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HOMENewsInternal Journal of EnterpriseThe Irreplaceable Role of the Floor Scrubber in the Field of Property Cleaning

The Irreplaceable Role of the Floor Scrubber in the Field of Property Cleaning

2022-12-08 10:12:54

At this stage, most of the property cleaning in China is still in the stage of manual cleaning. At present, simple cleaning tools such as mop and bucket are commonly used.

The use of scientific and technological cleaning equipment in the property cleaning industry is relatively low, and labor often cannot effectively solve special cleaning problems. Property cleaning is a labor-intensive industry, which has long left the impression of ” cleaning aunts” and ” cleaning uncles”.

Current situation

Management, security, and cleaning of many corporate office buildings and residential areas are entrusted to real estate companies. However, with the improvement of people’s quality of life, the demands on the living environment are becoming higher and higher. Therefore, the role of scrubbing machine is becoming more and more important for the real estate company.

We all hope that our office and living environment can be clean and tidy, so this is obviously a tough test for the real estate company.

In recent years, many commercial cleaning companies have purchased automated cleaning equipment to meet the increasing environmental demands of property owners.

Manual cleaning alone is far from satisfying owners’ needs. Firstly, the efficiency is low, and secondly, the cleaning effect is not up to standard.

In addition, as various costs continue to rise, the profit margin of the real estate company is being cruelly squeezed. Slightly improper management even leads to losses. Among them, the rising labor cost is an important factor leading to the difficult survival of property cleaning.


Advantages of the floor scrubber

Scientific and technological real estate cleaning is an inevitable development trend and the mainstream of industrial development. The scientific and technological cleaning work not only reduces the labor cost and cleaning difficulties, but also improves the cleaning efficiency. What are the advantages of floor scrubber?

  1. 1.It can use its dual ability of cleaning and dust absorption to recover the garbage on the floor and the raised dust. It can change the space environment of production and products, and avoid the secondary pollution of dust.
  2. 2.The electric scrubber is easy to operate, has flexible controls and can be turned on the spot, even if you’ve never driven a similar product before.
  3. 3.It can use its cleaning speed to quickly create a clean environment and help improve production efficiency.
  4. 4.It can improve the image and level of enterprise sanitary conditions.
  5. 5.It can save costs and put the saved human resources into production to create higher benefits.


The appearance of the floor scrubber is representative in the scientific and technological property cleaning, which effectively shares the problems of the current property industry.


As for the classification of scrubbing machines, there are generally two ways to distinguish them. According to the operation mode of floor scrubber, it is divided into power driven scrubber and hand driven scrubber; according to the power supply mode, it can be divided into wire type scrubber and battery type scrubber.


Therefore, we can see the importance of the floor scrubber in the work of the property cleaning company. At present, many regional cleaning still rely on efficient cleaning equipment. The floor scrubber is also the development trend of the property cleaning market now and in the future.

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