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HOMENewsIndustry InformationThe 2024 Shanghai International Clean Technology and Equipment Expo ended successfully

The 2024 Shanghai International Clean Technology and Equipment Expo ended successfully

2024-04-01 05:04:32

On March 29, the four-day 2024CCE Shanghai International Cleaning Technology and Equipment Expo came to a perfect conclusion at the Shanghai New International Expo Center!


During the exhibition, there was an endless stream of visitors, the exhibition hall was bustling with people, and the seats were full of business people and friends, enjoying the clean feast together!




At this exhibition, we exhibited new machines XDM50, K88+, K76+, and K100 floor scrubbers, with newly upgraded machine appearance and R&D functions. Let customers use safe, worry-free and efficient cleaning equipment.




The new machine has been visited by many visitors. Everyone gathered at the CHANCEE booth to see the demonstration machine. Many foreign customers personally operated the machine to experience the efficient, powerful cleaning capabilities and convenience of our CHANCEE cleaning equipment.


CHANCEE hopes to jointly maintain and establish a good image of China’s clean manufacturing industry, win the recognition and favor of more domestic and foreign customers, and jointly promote the healthy and sustainable development of the cleaning industry.

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