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ДОМНовостиОтраслевая информацияКак выбрать между поломоечной машиной с ручным приводом и поломоечной машиной с ручным приводом?

Как выбрать между поломоечной машиной с ручным приводом и поломоечной машиной с ручным приводом?

2024-06-27 05:06:23

Walk-behind floor scrubber and ride-on floor scrubber machine how to choose, with the requirements for efficient work, more and more enterprises and so on choose to buy industrial scrubber to carry out ground cleaning.


1. Area of use:


Chancee M60 walk-behind скребок для пола: it can clean 3300 square metres of floor per hour, suitable for small area work, easy to operate, with a self-propelled drive, just one cleaner to hold on to the floor can easily clean the floor without leaving water traces, it can replace about 7 cleaners.


Chancee K80 ride-on скребок для пола: Suitable for cleaning in large venues, because it can clean 6500 square metres of ground per hour, can continue to operate for 4 hours, cleaning efficiency is much higher than walk-behind type, use more energy, just sit down to complete the cleaning operation, can replace about 10 cleaning workers.


2. Cleaning aspects:


Whether it is ride-on or walk-behind to clean the floor stains, oil, mud, etc., can be used on tiles, wooden floors, epoxy floors and other hard and smooth floors, and the places it passes through will be clean and leave no traces.


Whether you choose a walk-behind floor  scrubber or a ride-on floor scrubber, then you need to select the right equipment based on the required cleaning area, efficiency, cost, and the problem to be solved.


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