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HOMENewsInternal Journal of EnterpriseChancee Technology’s 1st Fun Sports Competition Ends Successfully

Chancee Technology’s 1st Fun Sports Competition Ends Successfully

2023-07-18 05:07:55

In order to stimulate Chancee staff to pursue excellence and break through the spirit of self, showing the Chancee staff’s spirits of the unity and enterprising, courageous and struggle, Chancee held the 1st Fun Sports Competition in Hefei.



This sports meeting set up four items of competition, a total of eight teams to participate. Accompanied by the rhythmic music, led by the flag bearer, the eight teams in order and in an orderly manner on the rostrum for the style show. The athletes were energetic and high-spirited, and the eye-catching flags were fluttering in the wind, showing Chancee staff’s spirits of the healthy, united and positive,hardworking.



The whole sports meeting, the competition items are set up scientifically, the competition schedule is compact and reasonable, here are not only “two people three feet”, “invincible wind turbine”,”crazy sweeper”and other collaborative projects,but also”badminton”, “ping-pong”, “rope skipping” and other personal confrontation projects suitable for giving full play to their strengths.


The whole sports meeting is intense and fierce without losing the fun, athletes on the field of competition level and style, they are hard-working , beyond themselves constantly and actively, not only exercise and show their physical fitness, physical fitness qualities, but also embodies the “faster, higher, stronger” spirit of sports.



The final tug-of-war will be the climax of the sports meeting, the participating teams flag drums and shouting, loud and powerful, the momentum is unstoppable. After a day of intense and fierce competition, the top three individual and team races have been produced. At the closing ceremony, the sports meeting organizers awarded medals, trophies and gifts to the winning athletes to encourage them to achieve excellent results.



Closing ceremony does not means ending, the movement does not stop. The Fun Sports Competition not only enhanced the cohesion between departments, but also realized the ice-breaking of new partners. In the future, Chancee will continue to carry out a variety of recreational activities to promote the overall development of Chancee staff’s physical and mental health.

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