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HOMENewsInternal Journal of EnterpriseChancee Technology Conducts Fire-drill Activity

Chancee Technology Conducts Fire-drill Activity

2023-07-21 05:07:44

In order to enhance the fire safety awareness and the ability to handle emergencies of all staff , Chancee Technology has held the “Fire Emergency Escape Plan Exercise” activity. We have fully implemented the work arrangement, key content, and relevant requirements during the exercise period. Strengthen the safety awareness and emergency evacuation ability of our company’s staff.


The main content of this activity is fire knowledge training and on-site drills. Before the fire-drill activity starts, professionals systematically explained to the on-site staff about fire prevention, fire equipment, self rescue and evacuation at the fire site, etc.And professionals combined with real cases, explained the details of fire safety that should be paid attention to in daily life, as well as the importance of fire safety and emergency drills.




1.Description of the exercise process


1.   14:30  (Alarm ring) Promptly release intermediate fire alarms and initiate fire emergency plans;


2.  14:31  The distribution group simulated immediately call 119 to report and provide disaster relief;


3.  14:32  Members of the fire extinguishing team arrive at the location of the fire with a fire extinguisher in hand within 2 minutes;


4.  14:33  Evacuation team members command personnel to evacuate safely at each escape intersection;


5.  14:35  Each department supervisor and fire volunteers guide staff to evacuate correctly and quickly to the designated location at the company entrance;


6.  14:38  Each department supervisor take roll to determine the number of people and all are in place;


7.  14:40 The resuscitation team transported the injured person to the hospital;


8.  14:50  The commander-in-chief delivered a summary speech, and pointed out the importance of fire-drill.



The Fire Emergency Escape Plan Exercise took a total of 10 minutes from the release of the fire situation to the successful organization of evacuation. It truly achieved clear division of labor, responsibility to each person, and in the first moment of a fire, it was important to keep calm and composed. Every staff learned how to properly call the police, how to save properly, how to evacuate,and how to save themselves and escape.

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