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HOMENewsInternal Journal of EnterpriseChancee Technology 2023 First Quarter Birthday Party—Happy Forever !

Chancee Technology 2023 First Quarter Birthday Party—Happy Forever !

2023-06-29 03:06:02

Years have witnessed growth,


Time engraves happiness.


Every time, I wish to give you the best time,


Every time, I would like to give you my most sincere blessings.


Happy and happy times, good days are worth enjoying,


Chancee Technology sends the most sincere birthday wishes to the family,


Happy birthday to everyone! ! !




A unique birthday party – cakes, gifts, birthday songs, interesting games, birthday wishes sung together, delicious cakes tasted together, birthday wishes made together, tacit games played together, releasing love with joy, Grateful to the company with laughter, this is the warmth and blessing brought by the Chancee Technology family.





There is a corporate culture that  moisturizes things silently, and there is a kind of caring that is refreshing. Wish every birthday in the future be spent with you, and I hope that in the coming days, Chancee Technology will continue to work hard with you, unity and cooperation, make progress together, and create brilliance together.



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